Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Four Chapter 8

Outside, it was a bright and sunny day. The beach was packed, the parks were filled, and no one was inside. No one, that is, except the four leaders of the Kalka project. They were meeting in location seven, much to the annoyance of Andrew.
"I still don't see why we can't do this outdoors," he protested. "Nobody else is inside."
Julius eyed Andrew. "I don't know what you're complaining about. It looks to me like you got tons of sun yesterday."
"You are looking a little red Andrew," Remus noted. "Forget the sun screen?"
"Ah, I never use that stuff. It was a blast yesterday alright, even though the beach was crowded. I stayed almost all night."
"Well, I hope you still remembered to come up with an idea while you were at the beach," Romulus said.
"An idea? What idea?" Recognition mixed with embarrassment soon flooded Andrew's face. "Oh yeah. Guys, I'm really sorry. I was planning to, but I just forgot."
"Typical," Julius responded.
"It doesn't matter anyway," Romulus replied. "I did a little researching last night, and I think you'll agree I've come up with an excellent solution."
"We're listening," Remus said.
"There are starving people all over Fabulae. There's no reason to limit ourselves to Kalka. Right?"
"Sounds good," Julius answered.
"So why don't we just deliver food where ever it's needed. Where ever there are people who need food, we'll be there."
"Even if the whole city volunteers, we won't have enough people to feed all the hungry," Remus protested. "Fabulae is a big planet."
"I know, I know," Romulus answered. "We'll just have to limit ourselves, go where we're needed most. For instance, there is another famine going on right now in Marram."
Remus' jaw almost dropped. Could Romulus be serious. Doing research last night, Remus had also found out about the famine in Marram, but he found out many other things too. Remus exchanged glances with Julius. Each could tell the other was thinking the same thing.
"How bad is it?" asked Andrew.
"While in terms of severity, not near as bad as the one in Kalka, but it covers about three times as much land, and it causes its share of deaths."
"Rom, while you were doing your research, did you look at all into the history of Marram?" Remus asked.
"A little bit. Why?"
"What did you think?"
Romulus shrugged. "I guess from our perspective, they seem pretty barbaric. Why do you ask?"
"I looked into it quite a bit last night," Remus responded. "They don't seem barbaric, they are barbaric. Conquest is all their civilization thrives on. They conquer as many nations as they can. They rape the woman, and kill all the men. They need no provocation to start a war."
Romulus looked confused. "You're saying we shouldn't give them food because of this?"
Now it was Remus' turn to look confused. "You need a better reason?"
"Remus, I have no control over what government does. All I'm talking about is giving food to the hungry and starving."
"But don't you see?" Remus argued. "They haven't tried to conquer any nations since this famine began. They don't have the resources to. They don't have enough food to support their armies. As soon as we give them food again, we'll only be fueling their conquests."
"Remus, I'm not getting involved in any politics here. I'm giving food to the children, the poor the helpless. I'm not going to get involved in Marram's war one way or another."
"Don't you get it?" Remus asked frustrated. "You can't help it. Just by giving them food, just by that act in itself, your involved. You are responsible for all the deaths it causes." Remus waived his hand across the room. "We are responsible. The whole city is responsible. Every child that's killed, every home that's pillaged, every young girl that's raped, we're responsible."
"He's right, you know," Julius added. "Three years ago, Jistap was so appalled by Marram's barbarism, he sent Sulla to blast all its major cites."
"Are you agreeing with Jistap?" Romulus accused.
"I hated Jistap, you know that," Julius responded. "But the point is it was so barbaric that Jistap saw it as the single greatest barrier to peace throughout Fabulae. And the scary part is, this time he was right."
"Just listen to us," Remus pleaded. "Don't help Marram in any way."
"Alright," Romulus answered. "I've listened to you, now you listen to me. The purpose of the Kalka project is to give food to those who need it. Whatever else living beings have forfeited their right too, they have the right to exist, and to eat. What the government of Marram does, I have no control over. What I do control, is what I do about the suffering in Fabulae. There are starving children, starving families in Marram right now, and you want me to turn a blind eye to them because of what their government does? May Deka take me if I ever do something like that."
"Damn it Romulus, listen to us," Remus practically yelled. "Just look at Marram's history. Look at what they do. The minute we give them the resources, they'll conquer."
"I assure you," Romulus said, "Your objections are duly noted. I'll will proceed with caution, but proceed I will. I have made up my mind."
"Now hold on here a minute," Remus objected. "We all have equal say, and I believe it is two against one right now."
"So it is," Romulus noted.
Andrew cringed as he felt three pairs of eyes turn on him. "Your call, Andrew," Julius said.
"Oh guys, come on, don't make me-"
"What's the decision?" Remus asked impatiently.
Andrew threw his hands up. "I don't know guys. I don't want to get into the middle of this."
"Damn it Andrew for once in your life would you just make up your mind?"
Julius' angry tone shocked Andrew. He realized that tempers were getting too high. "I think we all just need to stop and think about this," he said. "Why don't we all just take a nice break, everyone can calm down, and we'll reconvene tomorrow." As the words left his mouth, Andrew suddenly considered that two days might be needed for this. "Better yet, two days from now," he suggested.
"That's not going to solve anything," Julius protested. "We're going to have to decide this sooner or later, let's get it over with now."
"Andrew's right," Romulus agreed. "We need time to think. Let's meet again in two days."

"Just once, just once, I'd like to see you make up your mind. Take a stand for something. Think for yourself. Don't be so wishy washy."
"Hold on Julius-"
"Andrew, your too indecisive, too meek."
"And your too hot headed. You need to slow down, open your eyes. Stop and look around you."
Julius looked at Andrew inquisitively. "What do you mean?"
"I mean there's trouble coming. Romulus and Remus, they're heading for conflict."
"You mean that little argument today? That's nothing."
"I know. But there's more to it than meets the eye. Remus is feeling very bitter towards Romulus. He needs little provocation."
"I wouldn't worry about it," Julius advised. "There brothers, they get into fights all the time. It will wash over."
"When we were kids, yes. But it's different now. There's a world at stake now. I don't like it Julius, there's trouble coming and I'm going to stay out of it."
"Typical." Julius formed two fists with his hands. "But if trouble does occur, you can count on me to hold my ground. If a fight's coming, I'm ready for it."

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