Friday, December 24, 2004

Planning: The Four

The Four was a bit of a different story for me. I didn't want the plot to wander all over the place as in "The New Era" because I felt like I had a pretty good idea of the story I wanted to tell. On the other hand, I didn't want to write out anything to detailed like my original plot outline for Dishon, because I felt like that stiffled my creativity. The compromise was just a lot of notes I wrote to myself in study hall, or during chapel, or stuff like that. I still have a few of them saved, so I'll reproduce them here. As with any sort of planning notes, these were just rough ideas, not stuff set in stone. Some of this I stuck to, some of it I didn't.

The Four have idea to found a new city outside of The Watcher City...

But Why?
**Overpopulation can't be a problem. Not after 1/10th were killed in the invasion
Political idealism?
But Why?
**Jistap has the right idea. The city should be dedicated to helping the rest of Fabulae. But without violence or conquest.
**(Possibly someone brings up the comparison to Jistap, but someone else demonstrates the difference).

Starts out with a famine. The Four want to distribute food. It goes well. They want to expand.

Position of power--Who to feed. They don't want to give food to evil nations because it would fuel their evil.
Food is power. There is a debate over who deserves the power.

Watcher President: Probably best to create a new character. Someone who is weak and spineless.

Romulus: What does he want?
*Not so much power. He wants power a little bit, but he's not like Gaius.
*Morality: He wants to do what's right. His sense of morals drive him off the edge. This should be a major part. But not a repeat of Rodens
*Biggest motivation is respect and recognition.
*Loss of respect unhinges him.
*Also Lauto betrays him and goes to Remus. Romulus feels shoved out of the group.
*Romulus doesn't intend on killing Remus at first. They fight, and then he accidently shoots him.

Name of project? Andrew suggests "Four Friends." He is laughed at.
Romulus jokingly calls it, "Romulus and company"

Remus: At first shows disgruntledness, but always says he's okay. Gets stuck with all the work, while Romulus gets all the glory.

Romulus feels shoved out by all the others, especially by Remus. He is angry because it was his (Romulus's) idea in the first place.

Why shoved out? Famine in several areas. Romulus favors giving food to all. Remus doesn't want evil nations to recieve any aid.

The debate: Remus acts behind Romulus's back. He withdraws aid already in progress. When Romulus finds out, he learns he has no say.

At first, Romulus disregards the others. Tries to act as a dictator. But his ultimate destruction comes not from his addiction to power, but from his addiction to prestige.

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