Monday, December 27, 2004

Dishon Chapter 5

Fall Down
"The king was killed in battle, because of the surprise attack of the Trolls. General Hikol also perished. Several of my scouts were murdered, and someone took great pains to make sure the existence, not to mention the location of the Trolls were kept a secret. The only people with enough power and influence to do that are in this room." Perez stopped to let his words sink into the ears of his three listeners, Polad, Miktesh, and Dabine. "On top of that, Seled was found murdered this morning, and the only motive I can think of is to grab power."

"If you're looking for the culprit, look no further Perez. Miktesh was never loyal. He convinced the king to fight in this war because he knew it would cause the king's death." Polad had risen from his seat and was all but jumping up and down.

Perez's face grew scarlet and he forced himself to stand up, even though his leg was in a brace, and his arm in a sling. With the help of his cane he moved to Polad, making an effort to control his anger. "That reminds me Polad, what the hell were you doing? You backed your army out when you were supposed to attack. Deka, what were you thinking? What were you-." Perez forced himself to stop, and waited, red faced, for an answer.

"I had sent out some of my own scouts as a precaution. They reported back that many trolls were waiting to attack. I thought it best to retreat. There was no opportunity to share my knowledge with anyone else."

"That's a lie." Miktesh joined those standing. "Polad never sends scouts out. He backed away because he had known about the trolls before the battle began. He was the one who murdered your scouts to keep the trolls hidden. He sold us out to Marram."

Polad drew his sword and walked toward Miktesh in anger. Miktesh began to draw his sword, when Perez yelled out for them to stop it. Dabine stepped between the two, but quickly moved out of the way when he saw Polad's eyes. Nevertheless Dabine was successful in stopping blows from coming, if only for a few minutes. Perez looked at Polad. His face showed his grief. "It was you, wasn't it? You murdered my scouts, you murdered Seled, and now you plan to take power for yourself, in order to help Marram and to help your own pockets."

"Seize him," shouted Polad. Dabine grabbed Perez and violently hurled him to the ground. A loud thud was heard as Perez smashed into the marble floor.

"That's enough," said Miktesh. He held his sword out and gestured towards Perez. "He's free to go."

Polad laughed. "I'm not taking orders from you! From now on, you'll take orders from me!"

"Like hell." Nothing further needed to be said before the two clashed swords. Perez heard the clanging of metal as he picked up his aching body from the floor. Dabine allowed Perez to sit up, but pointed his sword at Perez as a warning against trying to escape. Perez and Dabine watched as the two enemies duelled around the room.

During the course of the fight, Miktesh grew tired and fought carelessly. Consequently, Polad was able to knock his sword out of his hand, with a powerful, well timed swing. Miktesh's sword flew through the air and then slid along the floor. It finally came to a stop about a couple meters from Dabine. Dabine cautiously picked the sword up, while keeping an eye out to make sure Perez didn't attack him when his back was turned. If Perez had been in perfect health, he probably would have seen this as his break, but with his injuries, he decided to only watch Dabine.

Polad dashed forward to finish Miktesh off. Miktesh ran for his life. He jumped on to a table, leaped off in the same motion, and then quickly turned around. Polad was close behind, so Miktesh pushed on the table with all his strength. The table slid surprisingly easy, and rammed into Polad before he had a chance to stop his momentum. Polad's inertia caused his upper body to keep moving forward, even though his lower body was completely stopped, ultimately resulting in his face slamming against the table. Before he could regain his senses, Miktesh had leaped up on the table and kicked Polad's head, hard. Polad's body jerked backwards, and he ended up lying down on his back. He attempted to get up, but Miktesh stomped down hard on his right hand, which held his sword. His other foot kicked Polad in between the legs. Polad moaned, and didn't try to stop Miktesh as he removed his sword.

"Let him go!" Miktesh spoke with authority as he advanced toward Dabine. Dabine looked defiantly at Miktesh, sword ready.

Polad stood up, attempting to save what dignity he had left. "Let him go," he said to Dabine. "For Deka's sake, let him go!" He stared at Miktesh for a long time, then spit in his face and limped away, saying "This isn't over yet. When I'm through with you, you'll rue the day you ever met me."

"I already do" Miktesh retorted, as he helped the injured Perez out the door. "I already do."

After Miktesh had shut the door, Polad turned to Dabine. "Make sure Miktesh is assassinated before he leaves the palace."

Dabine nodded. "What about Perez?"

"He'll have to go too. He'd tell the people I was working for Marram. But you can't assassinate him here. The people love him too much. If they even suspected I was behind his death, I'd be out of power quicker than you could wink your eye. Oh we'll get him alright, not right here but soon. Move quickly now." Dabine bowed and left.


"So it's going to be civil war?"

"I'm afraid so," answered Miktesh as he helped Perez down the steps. "Polad has his supporters, and I have mine, and we each have our own armies. Polad is determined to help Marram, and I am against it."

"So who do you think will when?"

"Why, we will of course."

"Uh-uh. Not we. You."

Miktesh looked Perez straight in the eyes, his face had a look of horror on it. "You are on my side, aren't you?"

Perez sighed. "Twenty five years ago I left my homeland of Nathor, because it was a corrupt country I wanted nothing to do with. I came to Calet, where I served eleven years under Shellun. Never did a more noble king ever live. Unfortunately, Shellun was old, and died, so I served under his son, Shallum. Shallum may have had a weakness when it came to money, but over all he was still a noble soul. I would have enjoyed serving under Seled. Though young he was also noble. Miktesh, you just saved my life, and I am grateful for that, but you are not noble. You want power, but show little concern for the responsibility that comes along with that power."

"I can learn responsibility. I'm becoming more responsible all the time."

"Miktesh, I can't imagine you ever becoming responsible or noble. I wish you the best of luck, but my service in Calet is over. I'm going to find a place where nobility still exists." Perez continued slowly down the steps, leaving Miktesh stunned.


"No luck sir" Dabine reported. "Miktesh was given the fight of his life, but he still escaped our assassins."
Polad grimaced. It had been three hours since he had given the order to kill Miktesh. "Damn! Damn it Dabine, now we're going to be in the middle of a civil war." He calmed himself down. "I'm sure it wasn't your fault. You're my most loyal aid ever. What about Perez?"

"His location is unknown, but my men are searching everywhere for him."

"Deka! Dabine, so help me, I don't care how loyal you have been, you mess up like this one more time and I'll have you replaced. I'll do worse then that."

"Yes sir," Dabine replied, his composure unchanged by the threat.

Dabine left the room, and Polad pounded hard on the table. "You got away this time Perez, but I'll get you eventually, and when I do, even Deka couldn't help you."

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